- Medieval name generator dnd update#
- Medieval name generator dnd full#
- Medieval name generator dnd code#
It is then compared to '!namegen' to see if this is a command for your program. cmds.shift() will remove the first value from the cmds array and return it. The Medieval Name List is comprised of names taken from the European area during the Middle Ages and Renaissance era. The who variable will contain the name of the player running the command, or 'API' if it wasn't a player. cmds ends up being an array of each argument, so "!namegen english boy" would result in. Doing it this way means you don't get strange behavior if someone accidentally hits two spaces between arguments. It splits msg.content on any sequence of 1 or more spaces or tabs (/\s+/ is a regular expression, if you want to Google those. It registers a single chat event handler which exists for non-api messages.

Adding another language becomes very easy, you just add the additional data to the structure. Each language property holds an object with boy and girl properties for the names in that language. Each of the properties is the name of a language, which lets you pull a list of supported languages with _.keys(names) or check for support for a language with _.has(names, language). Next is the data structure I mentioned at the top.
Medieval name generator dnd code#
Placing the string "use strict" in a scrope holds your code to higher standards and will warn you about certain coding practices that are out of vogue (for good reason!). It creates a Closure, basically a container for your functionality which prevents it from being in the global namespace, a pretty good practice. This is called an IIFE (Immediately-Invoked Function Expression), which you can read more about on Google. Walking the above, I've enclosed it in an anonymous function that is immediately called. _.keys() - returns an array of all the properties on an object. _.sample() - randomly chooses one entry from an array. I'm making heavy use of Underscore.js, which is a very useful library that's bundled in the API: _.has() - checks to see if a given key is a property on an object. Oh - and the macro to make this work super easy is: !namegen ?()) I changed the order of your parameters to !namegen, as that makes it easy to leave boy|girl off and randomly choose between the two. Here's the github link (hopefully it works for you all). if you want to know how, I can share my secrets). (copying/reformatting/copying again/reformatting again. just male and female common names for the following: Arabic, English, Medieval, Hindi, Sanskrit, Thai.
Medieval name generator dnd full#
the world is full of cool languages that have cool names. less than optimal results with randomly piecing together the trigraphs.

At first I used trigraphs built from real names. Hey all, So, I wanted an in-game random name generator.
Medieval name generator dnd update#
NEXT Update will add male/female native american names. The link to the github below should work - let me know if it doesn't. Over the next little while I will push updates regularly as I add more nationalities/geographic regions. !taverngen I've given the output some style so it looks visually pleasing. !towngen It has over 700 Tavern/Inn names. >1000 geographic place names (at least 100 for each geographic region). !namegen (gender is optional) It has place names from 6 geographic regions (African, Arabic, Asian, Dwarf, Elf, Indian). thousands of names (at least 100 for each nationality if I remember correctly). It now has 9 nationalities for names (both male & female - African, Arabic, Asian, English, Germanic, Hindi, Medieval, Sanskrit, Thai). This name generator, have a look at our other name generators in the sidebar just under the search box.EDIT : So, I guess this should now be called the Random Name, Town Name, Tavern Name Generator. If you find you are not getting the names you want from Before you leave this page don't forget to take a copy of your favourite names, as they will not be saved here. Once you have generated some names and they have appeared, you can click on the text of the generated names, this will place aĬopy of that name into the "Favourite Names:" list. This random kingdom name generator has been made for ease of use, and as you will see below, you can click the button that reads "Generate Kingdom Names", after you click thisīutton names will appear under the heading "Kingdom Names Generated:". So you have a very big selection of names to choose from. Why use all your brain power thinking of names when you could just use this name generator? So use this cool kingdom name generator to generate a lot of names quickly and easily. You can also use this generator for use in a fantasy game for example, you could use it as a Kingdom Hearts name generator. It is brilliant for generating medieval kingdom names for use in a book you're writing. This kingdom name generator will generate quite random names, there are thousands of different kingdom names you can generate.